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Kaki Mudra or Prana Mudra: The 5-Minute Mudra for a Long and Healthy Life

Long and Healthy Life

Today, I'm going to show you a mudra that can be helpful for your health and longevity. Just one mudra, five minutes a day, and that's more than enough. This mudra is called Kaki mudra. Yes, Kaki means crow, and this gesture is associated with crows. We are going to practice this as a way to control our breath.

I'm going to teach you this mudra in-depth. There are more than 100 mudras, but Kaki mudra is considered essential for maintaining good health and a long life. The reason behind this is that crows are typically healthy birds and rarely become sick. That's why this mudra is named after them.

Now, let's discuss its advantages. The first advantage is that it improves the digestive system and boosts the immune system. The second and third advantages are that it helps keep your body and mind cool, reducing tension, stress, and anxiety. The fourth benefit is that it promotes a long and healthy life. The fifth and sixth benefits include enhanced concentration levels and improved lung health. It also works wonders for the respiratory system.

So, who can practice Kaki mudra? Everyone is eligible except for a few exceptions. It's not advisable for people with low blood pressure, those with colds or coughs, or individuals suffering from glaucoma or who have recently had eye surgery. For others, it's a safe practice.

When is the best time to perform Kaki mudra? Ideally, it's recommended in the early morning after yoga, walking, or any exercises, and before doing pranayama and other mudras. If that's not possible, evening is also suitable.

Now, let's talk about how to perform Kaki mudra. You can sit in recommended asanas like Bajrasana or Padmasana. If sitting on the ground is uncomfortable, you can use a chair. Your spine should always be straight, and your hands should be in chin mudra, with the index finger and thumb touching to form a circle. The other fingers should remain straight, and your hands can rest on your lap or knees.

Here's how you do it:

Repeat this process for at least three rounds, and if possible, more.

Kaki mudra, when combined with your breathing exercises, can yield excellent results. It may not take much of your time, but it will be worth it in the end. So, practice Kaki mudra regularly.

Don't just read; implement them in your daily routine. See keep smiling, keep shining, and always strive for the best. Good luck!

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